With the convention just around the corner, we're pleased to be able to announce our programme for the weekend, full of excitement, adventure and really wild things! You might also be interested to read this review of Lazlar Lyricon 2 to see what happened at the last Lazlar Lyricon.
Mice vs Dolphins
As is traditional for the Lazlar Lyricons, all the convention's members will be divided into two teams, in this case Mice vs Dolphins. The teams will compete against each other over the course of the weekend to decide once and for all which is the most intelligent species on the planet. If you take part in an item and win points for your team, take them to the collection point in the main foyer and add them to your team's stack. At the end of the weekend we'll count them up - come along to the Closing Ceremony to see which team won!
Kids' stuff....
The vast majority of our programme is suitable for all ages, in a parental-guidance sort of a way. There will be a few child-friendly items, where we guarantee no adult themes, and a few strictly over-18's only, where we guarantee adult themes.... You'll find info on which is which in the description about each item. Please note that we are not providing any sort of creche or child-minding service, and children must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian.
Things to Bring
Several programme items will be more fun if you have prepared for them in advance - check out our list of Things to Bring.
Programme Grid

Item Descriptions:
Fri 6pm, Opening Ceremony
Come and find out who we (the committee) are, meet the guests, play a game, cheer your team Mice or Dolphins along, and hear about all the fun, crazy stuff we have planned for the weekend!
Fri 7pm, Hitchhiker’s and Me
A panel with our Guests of Honour, talking about their experiences with Hitchhiker's.
Fri 7pm, Kids' Werewolf
Werewolves pit their cunning against villagers - who will survive the night? A child-friendly session of this game.
Fri 8pm, Restaurant at the End of the Universe Bakeoff
Bring along your home-made delicacies for us all to try....
Fri 8pm, Sofa & Mattress racing
Negotiate an assault course carrying an inflatable sofa, or race a friendly, dim-witted, docile creature called Zem.
Fri 9pm, Pangalactic Gargle Blaster Workshop
Sample the best drink in existence! (With both alcoholic and non alcoholic options.)
Fri 9pm, Intro to Fireplay
Fire play is dangerous, but oh so fun! This is an introduction that will leave you with the skills (and equipment) to go home and set someone on fire in the bedroom - literally as well as figuratively. Over 18's only.
Fri 10pm, Disco
Dance the night away to your favourite tunes.
Fri 10pm, Late Night Werewolf
Werewolves pit their cunning against villagers - who will survive the night?
Fri 10pm, Baron Munchausan Tall Tales
A very silly story telling game.
Fri Late (2am), Rocky Horror Singalong
Sing along to Rocky Horror!
Sat 10am, Hangover Cure Workshop
Try out traditional hangover cures to recover from sampling the best drink in existence....
Sat 10am, Author Open Mic
A variety of authors read a short piece of their work, with an opportunity to chat to the authors / get things signed in the bar afterwards.
Sat 10am, Kids' Baron Munchauson
A very silly story telling game for kids....
Sat 11am, Towel Olympics: Towel Throwing
How far / high can you throw a towel? What about blindfolded? Or standing on one leg? Have a go, and win points for your team, for style as well as substance...
Sat 11am, The Rainbow Stage Show
Kevin Jon Davies, Michael Cule and David Learner discuss their experiences working on the Rainbow Stage Show.
Sat 12pm, Air Car Panel (to photos at 12:30)
Hear about our air car restoration project, followed by the first Air Car photo opportunity
Sat 12pm, Don't Panic - Firebreathe!
A firebreathing experience to give you Ford Prefect levels of confidence in the real world (and also the coolest Facebook profile pic you've ever had!)
Sat 12pm, Chaos Costuming (2hrs)
Got nothing to wear for the Fancy Dress Disco? No problem! We'll have fabric, sewing kit, accessories, and all sorts so you can create the perfect outfit.
Sat 1pm, Dr Emma's Spectacular Science Show
Emma brings along her favourite science demonstrations.
Sat 1pm, Call my Bliff
Call my Bluff meets the Meaning of Liff.
Sat 2:30pm, The TV series
Guide graphics creator Kevin Jon Davies discusses the making of the television series with actors Michael Cule and David Learner.
Sat 2:30pm, Vogon Art Workshop
Make the worst art in the universe, using random rubbish we brought along (and feel free to bring your own, too!).
Sat 4pm, Towel Olympics: Towel Fu
Learn this ancient martial art, practised by hitchhikers since the 257th year after the first coming of the great prophet Zarquon. Towels will be provided...
Sat 4pm, Dr Pepper's Gruesome Medical Talk
Horrible things that can happen to you.
Sat 4pm, Vogon Art Show
Display your Vogon Art, and tell us all how great it is through the medium of another artform such as poetry or interpretive dance.
Sat 5pm, Towel Olympics: Towel Decorating
Personalise your very own (tea)towel which you can take home and keep.
Sat 5pm, The Complete History of ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
The Official HHGG Appreciation Society dates back to 1980. The founder, current President and a three time ex-President look back at its history.
Sat 5pm, Air Car Photos
An opportunity to get your photo take with Slartibartfast's Air Car.
Sat 5pm, Guitar Hero Competition
Battle of the Bands!
Sat 5pm, Air Car Photos
An opportunity to get your photo take with Slartibartfast's Air Car.
Sat 8pm, Live Action Knightmare (2hrs)
Re-create the cult children's TV programme. With Michael Cule (Brother Mace) and David Learner (Pickle) from the original series!
Sat 8pm, Kids' Werewolf
Werewolves pit their cunning against villagers - who will survive the night? A child-friendly session of this game.
Sat Early (8:30am) Park Run
Early birds meet in reception at 8:30 to go to Hanley park run! When you get back, let the folk in the hangover cure workshop know if running 5km works...
Sat 9pm, Gin & Tonic Tasting
On some planets we take gin and tonic very seriously. From the basic to excitement adventure and really wild garnishes... Over 18's only.
Sat 10pm, Shibari Demonstration
In Japanese, “Shibari” simply means “to tie”. The contemporary meaning of Shibari describes an ancient Japanese artistic form of rope bondage. Come along and learn the basics. Over 18's only.
Sat 10pm, Magic Fancy Dress Disco
To kick off the evening, Magic Sanjay will read your mind, then party the night away with fine tunes from DJ Dancefloor Landmine and an opportunity to wear your finest fancy dress - cosplay Arthur Dent, be a paranoid android, or just put on your best dancing clothes!
Sat 10pm, Late Night Werewolf
Werewolves pit their cunning against villagers - who will survive the night?
Sat Late (2am), The Tobes Late Night Panel Item
The legendary Tobes interviews himself.
Sun 10am, LL1 & LL2 - Everything was better in the good old days
This is the third Lazlar Lyricon. If you went to either of the first two come and reminisce. If you were not, come and hear the legends.
Sun 10am, Towel Olympics: Towel Folding
Origami, Hitchhiker's style! Come and fold towels into various fun shapes.
Sun 10am, Chaos LEGO®
We'll have a variety of Lego available - build whatever you fancy!
Sun 11am, Towel Olympics: Towel Fit
This low-impact, high-energy workout is a mix of strength, cardio and core training with a soundtrack that is out of this world. Wear trainers and don’t forget to bring your towel!
Sun 11am, Auction (in aid of Save the Rhino)
Books, scripts, t-shirts, beer glasses, towels etc. for the discerning
Hitchhiker's fan.
Sun 11am, Dr Hill's Cabinet of Curiosities
From radium toothpaste to trailer trash barbie, come and hear about some curious items from history.... (over 18's only)
Sun 11am, Hitchhiker's LEGO®
Build a Vogon Destructor ship or a Paranoid Android!
Sun 12pm, Douglas, The Man
Hear about Douglas, from the people who knew him, worked with him, or have written about him.
Sun 12pm, Towel Olympics: Towel Combat
Defeat your opponent using only a towel!
Sun 12pm, Air Car Photos
An opportunity to get your photo take with Slartibartfast's Air Car.
Sun 12pm, Chaos LEGO®
We'll have a variety of Lego available - build whatever you fancy!
Sun 1pm, Human Hungry Hippos
Classic game recreated with skate boards and buckets.
Sun 1pm, Lizard Making Workshop
Make your own infra-pink lizard.
Sun 2:30pm, Adams in the Space-Time Continuum
A sixth radio series, a second US Dirk Gently TV series and another novelisation based on Douglas's material are coming soon. Is there any unseen Adams? Come along and find out.
Sun 2:30pm, The Secret of Box 42
Discover the secret of life, the universe and everything by opening boxes and playing silly games.
Sun 3:30pm, Closing Ceremony
Join us for the close of the convention, where we'll be awarding prizes for various competitions and, of course, finding out who has won the title of Most Intelligent Species on the Planet - the Mice, or the Dolphins....
Sun Late (8pm) Dead Dog Party
Meet in the bar for post-convention drinks, where the committee will be recovering from the weekend.